
Facts of Sue Goodman

Family Name : Sue Goodman
Birth Place : England
Nationality : British
Ethnicity : Caucasian
Net Worth : $200 thousand
Hair Color : Blonde
Eye Color : Gray

Short Statistics of Sue Goodman

Is Sue Goodman married? Married
How many children does Sue Goodman have? 0 Childrens
Who is Sue Goodman spouse/partner? Len Goodman
Is Sue Goodman Dating Someone? Len Goodman
Is Sue Goodman LGBTQ?

Who is Sue Goodman?

Sue Goodman is a celebrity wife famous for her relationship with professional ballroom dancer, Len Goodman. She is the second wife of the head judge of Strictly Come Dancing.

Sue Goodman: Birthday, Family, Facts

Walking in her 50s, Sue has managed to conceal her early life details. Her birth name is Sue Barrett. She is British by nationality and belongs to the Caucasian ethnicity. Moreover, she has not disclosed information on her parents and siblings. The educational qualification of Sue is also not known.

Early Profession and Career

When it comes to personal life, Sue loves to stay away from the spotlight. She is living her life under the shadow. Though she is a dance teacher, much of her professional life is not known. Besides her profession, Sue is enjoying the fame achieved from her married life. People know her as the wife of a ballroom dancer.

Sue Goodman: Net Worth and Salary

Sue is living her life in great luxury. As she is the wife of one of the wealthiest dancers, she need not worry about her daily needs. Her husband boasts a total net worth of $18 million.

As of 2022, Sue Goodman’s net worth is estimated at $200 thousand.

Sue Goodman: Married, Husband, Kids

Sue married Len Goodman in 2012. Her husband, Len, is famous as a ballroom dancer and head judge of Strictly Come Dancing. Their marriage ceremony was held at a London dining club Mosimann’s. They haven’t welcomed any children, although they have been married for eight years.

Sue’s husband, Len, has a son named James William Goodman from his former wife, Cherry Kingston. They married in April 1972 and divorced five years later in 1987.

Sue Goodman: Height Weight, Body Measurement

Sue is in her mid 50’s. Yet she looks much younger than her actual age. She has a short height of 5 feet 3 inches and weighs around 55 kg. She has blonde hair and grey eyes.

Social Media Profiles

The life of Sue is completely off the grid from social media. She is not active on any social media platforms.